Homemade and other Remedies for Allergy Relief
It’s allergy season, and time for some homemade allergy relief…
If you sneeze and sniffle your way through pollen season, or experience hives, itching or swelling when you eat a certain food or get stung by an insect, then you’re no stranger to allergies.
“An allergy starts when the immune system mistakes a normally harmless substance for a dangerous invader,” explains the Mayo Clinic.
The most common types of allergies include food allergies, respiratory allergies, contact allergies and insect sting allergies.
The following is a list of remedies, and some homemade allergy relief. If you have your own home remedy, leave a comment and let the rest of us know too…
Disclaimer: These home remedies are for academic purposes only. Consult a physician first.
Respiratory Allergies
Hay Fever (seasonal allergies). People with hay fever are usually troubled twice a year, in the spring and the fall (pollen seasons).
Pollen is a hay fever allergy that is airborne. When they enter our respiratory system, our bodies may start to develop antibodies to resist the allergens.
The allergens can also be something like pet dander which will cause the same respiratory symptoms as well as the same reactions from our bodies.
This will make a HUGE difference inside. Keep your windows closed but the air purifier running…
The current best editor-rated (on amzn) air purifier is this one:
Winix Air Purifier with True HEPA
Chamomile tea. Drinking chamomile tea is supposed to be a big help in relieving hay fever symptoms. It is also beneficial to inhale the vapors from the tea.
Honey added to boiled minced grapefruit and lemon. Have this solution three times a day. To stop irritation in your nose, apply little petroleum jelly inside your nose. Boil chamomile in water and inhale fumes from the water.